I imagined making some serious headway this summer: Being wildly creative and productive, watching TED talks and becoming 'art business-savvy', spending my days pondering fine art in the various museums of NYC, finally lining my bathroom shelves with swirling 60's pop-art shelving paper, hiking throughout New York state and finally cracking the code of making a serious living as an artist. Also, spending some serious quality time with my man, whom I last spent more than two hours with in 2005, before kid #1 was born.
1) While listening to "Hamilton," I wrote kitten postcards to the girls, using the kitten pen names of 'Mumples and Rentoto'.

2) While also listening to "Hamilton," I drew a cartoon about a squirrel named Squirrelisimo who was bored and only thought of nuts.

I once read about Albert Einstein, who, when stuck on a mathematical/scientific issue, would play the violin and come to find the solution to the problem after delving into Mozart's music. Using the same theory, I am banking on the perfect storm of compulsively listening to the "Hamilton" cast album, hanging out with Mark, inventing new 'nom de plumes' for the twenty-pack of kitten postcards, and drawing about Squirrelisimo's non-adventures with acorns, to bring me to a creative apotheosis.
Hey, if it worked for Albert Einstein....!