Monday, December 29, 2008

 Chanukkah Puppet Show! Warner Library 12/20  

We lit the menorah.  Now is it time for latkes?

 Rainbow Wiggles and the audience sing  and dance to 'Ocho Kandelekas' (the best Chanukkah song EVER) together!

Do you want to light a candle on the menorah?

Pitzeleh sings 'Al HaNisim' with Maya. 
Rainbow Wiggles loves lighting the menorah with the children at the Warner Library!

Bubbe Latke sings 'Oy Chanukkah!"

Monday, December 15, 2008

Today, I performed 2 shows at Lily's nursery school! One more tomorrow and another on Wednesday at the Robin's nest! I am adding a dance number with Bubbe Latke and a dreidle song with Rainbow Wiggles! Come to the library show on Sat! 12/20 2:30 Tarrytown!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jilly Puppets Rocks!

"Fun, creative, wacky, informative. The kids were captivated from beginning to end!"
Glenn Berger, LCSW
"Jill Liflander, puppet extraordinaire, is a portal from our world to the magical land of the puppets!" -Gabrielle age 12
"A charming imaginative show that will delight and educate your kids and will make you laugh and sigh."-Kate H. Muchnick-New Haven, CT.

"I couldn't stop watching the delight on the children's faces!"-Leslie grandmom of 13
"Best entertainment I've seen for preschool children. My kids were enthralled for the entire hour." --Pam L. Greenwich, CT

Bugs Puppet Show Part 1 - June '08

Bugs Puppet Show Part 2

Bugs Puppet Show Part 3